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An early production of Aladdin

Once upon a time (1981, to be exact), a woman named Jan moved to the village of Harden. She could see that something fun was missing from the village. Something that brought people together for fun and laughter; something involving singing and dancing; a creative outlet that involved the whole family or groups of friends. Something to create bonds that stay with you for life.

Janet got involved with the mother and toddler group in the village and was asked to do a spot in a concert being put on at the Congregational Church. She wrote a small sketch for them to perform and they sang a song. It went down a dream and they all got such a buzz from it that they wanted to chase that high again.

So Janet wrote to the WI, the gala committee and other local groups to ask for £10 sponsorship.

Along the way she met a bloke named Brian who said he knew some people that might want to get involved. He brought along his friends, Des Sunderland and Eric. Then David came over from the musical group to play the piano. Gerry Mc and Roger Kilburn were also quick to jump on board. Along with a few others, they built a small group of people who did everything together as a team. They all banded together to do the set design, painting, costumes etc and put on a panto that had the village screaming for more.

During that time they formed friendships that have continued to this day. Their families were raised as second families, going on trips and annual camping trips together. Bonds were created that continued to the next generation and now the next.

There was even a love story or two as twenty years later Janet and Des got together to be married.

And they all lived happily ever after.

Next production

Archive material – an appeal from Harden Players

We are hoping to archive a history of Players’ performances from its long and distinguished past – partly in memory of Brian Foster, who was an active member for many years, but also as a way of celebrating the continuity and changes embodied in such a thriving community organisation. If you have any photographs, or old copies of programmes, posters, scripts or recordings (Betamax and VHS welcomed!), we would love to get them digitised. Please contact the Players on hardenplayers@hotmail.co.uk

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